Thanks to Each of the 52 Artists Who Told Their Story - You Inspired Us!

This has been the most incredible year! Such an interesting array of artists sharing their personal stories; telling us who they are, what speaks to them and why they do what they do. 

I am as honored and moved by the stories as I am with the stellar talent that was showcased by this first group of 52 artists. Next week, our final artist for 2015, Tim Jaeger, will tell us his story so watch for it on the 30th.

On January 6th, I will introduce the next group of 52 artists and invite you to soak up their stories as well as feast your eyes and ears on their artwork. I’m expanding the blog to include video and audio as we have spoken word artists, storytellers, musicians and dancers joining us.

In the meantime, enjoy this holiday season and take a look back at the work that graced this blog in 2015. Thank you for reading and sharing the stories. You have helped us quickly grow in to an international blog and we are all grateful for your support.

Click this link to see a collage of this year’s artists:

Happy Holidays!

Brenda Smoak

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