Ivory Haze, Singer/Songwriter, Tells Her Story

My journey began as a young girl in Washington D.C; a city that’s birthed so much creativity that goes unnoticed in this politically-dominated society. Growing up there was always a sense of urgency to share my voice and singing soothed my mind when chaos drew near.

Music, unlike a job, is my calling, which has changed the dynamics of how I see my ultimate purpose here on earth. Recently, I’ve grown to understand I’m here to shed light on the truth! From the homeless man who fought in the war for our country to the young woman who was brutally beaten for years by her mother; and even to the housewife who isn’t happy in her marriage, these stories often go unseen. My hope is to shed light on such issues through my song writing and singing. My musical journey has brought me awareness about matters that are far beyond myself.

It hasn’t been easy breaking in to this industry but it is rewarding. I am continually touched by the audience’s response every time I am given the opportunity to perform on stage. These experiences inspired me to write my first single, “Statue of Liberty”, which is written for those seeking liberation – those seeking to be set free from the chains of life -- those who decide that self-love and happiness conquers all.

Here is a link to Statue of Libertyhttps://soundcloud.com/ivoryhaze-music/statue-of-liberty

(Please copy and paste this link into your browser)

I would be nothing without the sacrifices that my mother, Monique Jackson, made in developing a diverse palette of experiences for me to reflect upon. Now, I get to sit in this seat in complete admiration for the tremendous sacrifices she made in order for me to dream big and believe that I have the choice to be the person I’ve been sent here to become. My mother worked hard to put my brother and me through private education, which let me develop lifetime relationships with teachers and friends. Her choices encouraged me to want to have a better life and pushed me towards achievement.

One of my greatest accomplishments was auditioning for the Duke Ellington School of the Arts in Washington DC for high school. I remember the audition like it was yesterday; the colors, the talent, the energy was so infectious! I was accepted into their program because they saw a light in me that, at times, I didn’t always see in myself. Duke Ellington changed me and was just what I needed.

From there I went to George Mason University to study Classical Performance and received my Bachelors. College taught me a few things -- your talent isn’t enough -- you must work harder than what your mind will allow you to believe and life never stops giving you challenges.

I plan to release my first EP “Hiatusin March 2016 with a release party. In 2016 I will be traveling to Los Angeles in preparation for my move there in 2017. I’m working on my craft every day and I find the utmost joy in challenging myself to defeat barriers. My mantra is ‘You are only as good as your thoughts so always think positive.’

I’ve struggled with loving every bit of myself for years. It’s my story that I want to share with others. Hopefully, by creating this short introduction into my voyage to embrace my inner being, you will want to come along. I am striving to shift perspective and form a space for people to feel loved and to feel inspired no matter where they are in life.

“Don’t change under your influence, Become one” 
- Ivory Haze

To hear more of Ivory’s songs or to connect with her via social media, please visit the following sites:

This is Week 2 of Artists Tell Their Stories. Thank you for reading and sharing Ivory’s story today.

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