Mei Mei Chang, Mixed Media Artist, Tells Her Story

As an artist, I’ve always been drawn into the depth and the mysterious side of the psyche. This is the source of my art and I can only express it in a language that transcends words.
Through my work, I have always translated the topographical maps of the mind onto multilayered and patterned surfaces. 

Growing up in Taiwan, studying visual art and photography at Ohio University, and working at various locations and in diverse contexts across the US has led to my personal internal landscape’s taking on its own appearances, colors, attractions, and distractions, all of which have culminated in the work that I do here in Takoma Park, Maryland. 

Among the many symbols in my mind is the awareness of similarities and differences between Eastern and Western cultures. There are connections between internal symbols and connections which stretch out to the external. I believe that there is as much to uncover beneath the surface as to discover on the surface. Our minds occupy a space between the conscious and the subconscious. My work encompasses what is beneath the awareness of consciousness and beyond the passive knowing of subconsciousness and brings it to life.

Another aspect of the human mind that I explore is its freedom from the boundaries of macro and micro scales and its power of infinitesimal infinitude. My work is a place for the mind to move without limits, from the work as a whole down through layers of ever more granular complexity.

This is Week 23 of 52 Artists in 52 Weeks. Thank you for reading and sharing Mei Mei's story today.

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