Ivy Newport, Mixed Media Artist, Tells Her Story



     Art has always been an intrinsic part of my being. From a young age, I saw the world in shape and color, texture and pattern. I marveled at the beauty in our little garden and created worlds within my mind. My mother always said I had “an overactive imagination”! Little did I know that this passion for art would lead me to the career I have today.

        Looking back, I see that it was no co-incidence that after graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, that I somehow landed a teaching gig. I had the privilege of creating an entire art curriculum at a private elementary school and for the first time, my artistic ability was combined with educational instruction! I deeply loved the process!


     However, life took me in many directions and I dabbled in several creative careers including, interior design, running a vintage Etsy shop and even creating my own organic skincare line! One day, I decided to take an online art class and my life has never been the same!

     Now as a full time art instructor, I not only get to share my love of creativity but have the honor and privilege of leading others in it. Teaching and sharing my work online has brought me an amazing opportunity to connect with others. Each day, I am astounded at how I learn about myself through the process of teaching too!


     Being online means being vulnerable which means I am pushing up against my fears with each post and with each class that I release. This has forced me to grow and expand in ways I never thought possible. 

     My art feeds my teaching and my teaching feeds my art. It has become a precious symbiotic relationship that has nourished me like no other endeavor has before.


     It is both the connection and growth that I am experiencing now in my life that   inspires me to do what I do. My students share not only their art with me but their stories as well. Art connects us deeply and through it we can open ourselves up in ways that no words can. Like a sisterhood, it is this creative spirit that bonds us together.

     The beauty, magic and kindness that is seen within the creative community is an endless inspiration to me. I am grateful I can do the work that I do, while caring for my family, finding incredible satisfaction in my artistic life and connecting to artists all over the world. My hope for the future is to travel more, continue to grow as an artist and meet more of my students in person!


     This is Week 35 of 52 Artists in 52 Weeks. Thank you for reading and sharing Ivy's sharing Ivy’s story today. To connect with her and see more of her work, please visit the following links:

    Website: www.ivynewport.com
1                   Blog: www.graceandivy.wordpress.com
1                   Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ivynewportartist/
1                   Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ivynewport/
1                   Twitter: https://twitter.com/ivyartis
                     Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/ivynewport/

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