Francie Hester, Painter, Tells Her Story

After more than three decades of painting, I have come to understand the ebb and flow of creating work in the quiet of a studio.  The challenge to create something out of nothing takes patience, passion, and dedication. A sense of humor helps, too.

1. Unfolding #3 - 60" diptych acrylic and wax on aluminum honeycomb panel

For me, the painting process begins with the poetic voice and the intuitive and cognitive decisions are woven together to form the structure and ultimate support. I think of the painting process not as an artistic journey; it begins and ends not as a venture but to deepen that which is inherently known but not understood.

2. Intertwined #31 - 16' x 16' acrylic and wax on aluminum honeycomb panel

I try not to worry about traveling on a well-worn or fresh path, but to engage the process from one’s own perspective, extending that to its fullest potential.

3. Intertwined #16

I do not have any direct influences, so to speak.  I see, read, and hear, as much as I can, and things seem to surface when I need them. I gather outside influences, but it is more a process of weaving inward rather than extending out to reach a point where I did not begin. Differing perspectives and orientations can stretch the personal dialogue that runs through the work, and strengthen the voice from which the work is created.  But, for me, the voice must ultimately come from within if the work is to be authentic.

4. Vessel #1 30 inch acrylic and wax on steel disc

This is Week 39 of 52 Artists in 52 Weeks. Thank you for reading and sharing Francie’s story today. To connect with Francie and see more of her work, please visit her Website, Instagram and Twitter accounts. Descriptions of Francie's work featured here is detailed below:

5. Relic #4  - 29" acrylic and wax on sculpted aluminum

6. Convex #20 - 29" triptych acrylic and wax on aluminum honeycomb panel


1. The Unfolding series reflects on the fluid nature of memory and on the passage of time. Pivotal moments occur with great clarity and precision, yet they evolve and revolve with distance and time. 

2 & 3. The Intertwined series examines two contrasting principles. Time is marked and measured; and time is unbounded, fluid, infinite. 

4. The gentle arc of Vessels creates a space for reflection, contemplation, healing, remembering. Thought, time and memory come together as a collective.

5. The Relic series takes its shape from the Bi Discs of ancient Chinese burial sites. The series explores the concept of infinity.

6. The Convex series examines pathways and repetition creating patterns and cycles of memories -- ones lost and found.

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